1. From a desktop web browser, go to the Google Sheet you want to embed.
2. Click the “Share” button in the upper right corner. A popup window will appear.
3. Click “Get shareable link” in the upper right corner of the popup window.
4. Adjust your link sharing options to allow or prevent other users from editing the contents of your Google Sheet.
5. Click “Copy link”.
6. Go to Samepage and navigate to the page that will display your Google Sheet.
7. Hover your mouse over the page and click the floating “+” icon, then select “Embed HTML”. A popup window will appear.
8. Paste your copied link (CTRL + V on Windows, CMD + V on Mac) into the popup window.
9. Type (including the quote at the end) <iframe src=” just before the link you pasted in step 8.
10. Type (including the quote at the beginning) ” width=”100%” height=”500″ frameborder=”0″></iframe> just after the link you pasted in step 8.
11. Click “DONE” in the upper right corner of the popup window.
Your resulting iframe should look like this:
<iframe src=”https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/GOOGLE_FILE_IDENTIFYER/edit?usp=sharing” width=”100%” height=”500″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>
If you find that the height of your embedded Google Sheet is too short, hover your mouse over it, then click on the 3-dot menu that appears to the right. Then click “Edit” and find the code that defines the height. It will look like height=”500″. Replace 500 with a bigger number and click “DONE” until you’re happy with the height of your Google Sheet.