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Tracking Changes on a Page


When you’ve got a team of people working on the same page simultaneously, or when changes on a page need to be approved by a supervisor or a project leader, our “Track Changes” feature is here to help. You’ll see exactly who made each change and you can accept or reject them one-by-one or all at once. Plus, it works on more than just text, it also works on diagrams, files, and everything else you add to a page.

How does it work?

When your cursor is anywhere on a page, you’ll see the page toolbar across the top. On a wide screen, you’ll see the Track Changes icon Track Changes Icon on the right side of the toolbar. If your screen isn’t wide enough, look for the icon under the 3-dot menu on the right side of your toolbar.

Once you turn Track Changes on, each change made by a user to anything on the page will be highlighted in a color associated with the user who made the change. You’ll also see a new bar across the top of the page, the track changes toolbar, which will show you each contributor’s avatar and color as well as options for accepting or rejecting all changes.

By continuously clicking on the contributor’s avatar in the track changes toolbar, you can scroll through the changes that user made. You’ll have the option to Accept or Reject each change either by clicking on the + or x in the track changes toolbar or by clicking the Accept or Reject button in the track changes dialog.

If you want to scroll through all the changes made by all users you can click on the < or > arrow to scroll through them sequentially. 

Also in the track changes tool bar you can click on the OPTIONS button to:

  • Pause Track Changes
  • Accept All Changes
  • Reject All Changes
  • Turn Off Track Changes


If you need to temporarily turn off Track Changes to add something to the page select “Pause Track Changes” from the OPTIONS button in the track changes toolbar.

To turn off Track Changes select “Turn Off Track Changes” from the OPTIONS button in the track changes toolbar.

Tracking Changes on a Page

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