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Using Hyperlinks on Pages


While you can copy & paste a hyperlink just about anywhere in Samepage using keyboard shortcuts or the floating plus sign, you can also tailor the appearance of the URL to create a custom link. 

In addition, you can format a phone number on a page to make it a clickable link which you could use to call someone directly from Samepage.

Create a custom link

Custom links allow you to display a label over a long URL address. Here’s an example of creating a custom link for Paul Revere’s House in Boston:

  1. Type Paul Revere House on the page
  2. In a browser, copy the desired URL using keyboard shortcuts
  3. In Samepage, highlight Paul Revere House on the page
  4. From the page toolbar select Insert or Edit Link (if your screen is not wide enough look for it under the 3-dot menu on the right side of your toolbar)
  5. Paste the URL
  6. Click OK
  7. The system will then display Paul Revere House instead of the long ugly URL

Create a phone link

Creating a phone link in a page allows you to call the user directly from Samepage. Here are the steps:

  1. Type the phone number in your desired format (i.e. with dashes or parenthesis)
  2. Highlight the phone number on the page
  3. From the page toolbar select Insert or Edit Link (if your screen is not wide enough look for it under the 3-dot menu on the right side of your toolbar)
  4. Click OK
  5. The system will then display the phone number as Tel: link which is clickable

Using Hyperlinks on Pages

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