Group chats are messages and communication with a group of users in an organization. These group chats are conversations that take place outside of folders.
Guests can only participate in group chats to which they have been invited, they cannot create group chats.
If the user is online, you’ll see a little green dot on their avatar. If a user is offline, you’ll see a little gray dot on their avatar. If a user is offline you can still send them a message anyway, which they will see the next time they are online.
You can have multiple group and 1:1 chat dialogs open at any given time.
The group chats are accessible to the people in the group chat. However, Admins of the organization can access a group chat if they are in the content manager mode.
The person who creates the group chat is by default the group chat manager. The group chat manager can:
- name/rename the group chat
- manage the membership in the group chat
- make another member a group chat owner
- delete the group chat
Members of the group chat can:
- view the members and access rights in the group chat
- leave the group chat
Message with new group chat
Please see our help article Create 1:1 or Group Chat.
Message with existing group chats
On the web and desktop apps:
- In the left panel under the Direct messages icon (conversation icon with + sign) select the group chat you want to use
- The system will open the group chat dialog
- Type your message and hit Enter to send your message
On mobile:
- Click on the Direct messages icon in the bottom navigation (two heads, fourth icon)
- Select the group chat you want to use
- Type your message and hit Send to send your message
Call members of a group chat
On the web and desktop apps:
- When the chat dialog is open click the handset icon in the title bar
- The system will automatically open the call panel and ring all members of the group chat
On mobile:
- When the chat dialog is open click the handset icon in the upper right corner
- The system will automatically open the call panel and ring all members of the group chat
Maximize group chat dialog
On the web and desktop apps, when the chat dialog is open click on the maximize icon to expand the group chat to full screen mode.
Minimize group chat dialog
On the web and desktop apps, when the chat dialog is open click anywhere in the header to minimize the chat dialog.
Set default chat dialog size
On the web and desktop apps you can set the default size of the chat dialog, small windows or fullscreen.
- Click on the gear icon next to the organization name
- Click My Account
- On the Open new chats in select the Small Windows or Fullscreen option
Renaming group chat for group chat managers
On the web and desktop apps, when the chat dialog is open click the gear icon and Rename to rename the group chat. Click Save to save the new group chat title.
Managing group chat members for group chat managers
On the web and desktop apps, when the chat dialog is open click the gear icon and Group chat members to open the membership dialog.
The group chat manager can:
- add/remove users from the group chat
- change the access rights for users in the group chat
In the group chat the access rights are limited to:
- Group chat writer (can post chat messages)
- Group chat manager (like a group chat writer but also can manage group chat and it’s members)
To add a user to a group chat:
- Click the +Add
- Select the user from the list or type in the person’s email address to invite them to the group chat
To remove a user from the group chat:
- Hover over their name in the list
- Click the X to remove the user from the group chat
To manage the access rights in the group chat:
- Click on the access rights drop down menu
- Select the new access rights for the user
Deleting group chat for group chat managers
On the web and desktop apps, when the chat dialog is open click the gear icon and Delete. Then click Yes, Delete to delete the group chat.
Other information
Below the chat message box you can click the paperclip to upload a file, image, or video to chat.
Click on the emoji icon to add an emoji reaction to any message.
Click on the GIF icon to add a GIF to any message.
Click the @ symbol to add an @mention.
Click on the microphone to leave a voice message.
On mobile, click on the camera to add a photo from the device photo library.